Monthly Archives: October 2013

Free Warehousing

Consumeo is offering free warehousing to new customers that sign orders before the end of the year. Think of it as a chance to start off 2014 with a little gift from us.

TOUS acquires Dayaday

Los administradores concursales de Pórtico pusieron ayer en manos del grupo Tous la gestión de las 35 tiendas que Dayaday tiene repartidas por toda España. Es el paso previo de la compañía catalana para hacerse con la filial viguesa, por la que no es la primera vez que muestra interés. La operación, según explicaron fuentes próximas a la negociación, no se cerrará hasta que se haga efectivo el plan de liquidación de la firma. De hecho, aún cabría la posibilidad, muy remota, de que Dayaday pueda terminar en otras manos que no sean las de Tous. La última palabra la tendrá la administración concursal.

La dirección de Pórtico tomó el pasado 20 de agosto la decisión de liquidar Dayaday como mal menor. Consideran los responsables del grupo gallego que es la única posibilidad de evitar la quiebra de la matriz, en suspensión de pagos desde el pasado 4 de junio.

La oferta del grupo Tous no ha sido la única, pero sí la que ofrece un plus que parece haber valorado la administración concursal y que ha gustado especialmente a la dirección de Pórtico, ya que se comprometen no solo a asumir las instalaciones, sino la totalidad de la plantilla, integrada por un centenar de personas. Aunque no ha trascendido la oferta económica realizada por Tous, fuentes próximas a la negociación la sitúan en torno a los dos millones de euros, muy lejos de los 6,2 que ofreció hace un año, mucho antes de que se solicitara la entrada en concurso y cuando contaba con una red de 70 tiendas, una docena de ellas en el continente americano.

Plan de viabilidad

Pórtico está pendiente de hacer público su plan de viabilidad. Solo está a la espera de conocer el informe que los administradores concursales remitieron el viernes al juez para presentarlo. Los primeros en conocer su contenido serán los representantes de los trabajadores. Lo único que ha trascendido hasta ahora del documento es que se plantea una quita, que aunque la dirección ha buscado la manera de preservar el mayor número de los 400 empleos, habrá ERE, y que se plantea la entrada de nuevos accionistas que puedan aportar capital.

La deuda de Pórtico asciende a 45 millones, 40 de ellos a un pool bancario integrado por NCG, BBVA, Santander, Sabadell, Banesto, Bankinter, Popular y La Caixa. El grupo facturó en el 2012 67 millones.

Carrera y Carrera draw inspiration from Spanish Golden Age

Flechazo del día: Sortija de Carrera y Carrera

En el Imperio Español jamás se pone el sol… Con esta frase se resume a la perfección la inmensidad y potencia de uno de los momentos históricos más prósperos de nuestro país, el conocido comoSiglo de Oro. Un periodo brillante en el que todo alcanzó su máximo esplendor y en el que tanto la cultura como el arte se hicieron eco de tal profusión. Precisamente en un homenaje al lujo imperante en las cortes de los palacios y a la riqueza artística del momento, la joyería española Carrera y Carrera crea la colección Tesoros del Imperio a la que pertenece esta sortija de oro brillante y mate con una amatista central.

La colección está compuesta por cuatro líneas perfectamente combinables entre sí, por una parte está la Reina, realizada en oro blanco y amarillo con diamantes o topacio azul para recrear las formas de los cuellos de encaje utilizados por las reinas en esa época; también Isabel, una línea que se recrea en el oro y los diamantes en una metáfora del compromiso eterno. Además, la línea Cervantes se inspira en las ondas de los cuellos lechuguinos y, por último, la línea Velázquez, que recrea los bordados, tejidos y colores imperantes. De ésta última forma parte la sortija protagonista de nuestro flechazo cuyos relieves en oro labrado recuerdan a los bordados con hilos de oro sobre los tejidos de terciopelo tan comunes entonces.

La elegida para encarnar los valores de esta colección en la campaña de lanzamiento es Olivia Palermo, que repite por tercer año consecutivo como imagen de la joyería seduciendo con su elegancia y belleza natural a la cámara rodeada por una luz bucólica y un ambiente excelso.

VF Corporation joins BICEP

North Carolina-based lifestyle apparel giant VF Corp. recently joined the growing list of companies urging federal policymakers to address climate change. On Sept. 27, Ceres and its partner advocacy coalition, BICEP (Business for Innovative Climate and Energy Policy), announced that the company, which owns iconic American brands such as Vans, Wrangler and Lee, signed the Climate Declaration that calls on lawmakers to spur meaningful growth towards a low-carbon, 21st century economy.

VF brand Timberland was a founding member of BICEP back in 2008, and The North Face, another VF subsidiary, joined the ranks a year later – saying “the future success of our business is fundamentally linked to having a healthy planet.” Now that parent company VF has signed on, its entire brand portfolio, which pulls in more than $11 billion in annual revenues and also includes labels like Nautica, Majestic, Jansport and Eastpak, will be part of the driving force that insists climate change is an opportunity for the U.S. to realize new job creation and economic growth while ensuring a stable climate for generations to come.

According to Letitia Webster, director of global corporate sustainability for VF, the move underlines the company’s focus on reducing its environmental footprint, with an emphasis on energy efficiency – critically important in addressing the climate-change issue.

“VF has made great strides toward meeting our 5 percent GHG reduction goal, ahead of a 2015 target and during a period of significant growth for the company,” she said in a press release, noting that this progress has been made through a number of initiatives – including lighting retrofits, use of solar power, and significant HVAC investments and improvements, among other energy efficiency measures – at the company’s more than 1,700 global locations.

“By joining BICEP, VF is taking the next step in our sustainability journey,” Webster continued. “Collaborating across businesses, governments and advocacy groups, such as BICEP, will accelerate technical advancements and smart policies that minimize the impact of climate change. We are proud to share our experience and eager to learn from fellow BICEP members in the joint effort to preserve, protect and improve the health of our planet.”

VF joins 28 leading companies in the BICEP network, including eBay Inc., Symantec and Patagonia, who go beyond simply acknowledging climate change and assert it as an chance for the U.S. to become a global leader in smart policies that not only boost green jobs creation but also help the planet and company’s bottom lines.

“VF’s brands have already played a critical role in supporting climate policies. We are proud to have VF as the newest member of BICEP and are certain they will be an active voice for smart policies,” said Anne Kelly, director of BICEP at Ceres. “With the company’s global commitment to mitigate the social and environmental impact of its products and practices, we’re sure that VF will flourish as a BICEP member.”

Earlier this summer, The Weather Company endorsed BICEP’s Climate Declaration – a move TriplePundit hoped would not only prove bullish for the action network but also put climate change denial trends to rest once and for all, although it seems deniers won’t be silenced so easily.

While it remains to be seen if lawmakers will heed BICEP members’ calls for action, the network’s total of 34 signatories account for $461 billion in annual revenue and more than half a million jobs – meaning its voice is surely a loud one in the climate conversation.


Louboutin app helps you choose the perfect nude

Christian Louboutin lance une collection baptisée « Les Nudes » avec cinq tons couleur chair allant du rose blush au châtain.

Une application pour iPhone gratuite « Louboutin Shades » a été créée pour aider les clientes à choisir leur couleur. Le principe est simple, il suffit de photographier ses pieds pour trouver le ton exact de ses chaussures !

« Les chaussures servent à allonger les jambes de la femme et ne bas détourner l’attention sur ce qu’elles portent », a déclaré Louboutin. « Les souliers deviennent une extension de la jambe allongeant la silhouette », a-t-il ajouté.


Source: fashionunited

Hermés launches luxury bike line

Viendo el éxito creciente del uso de las bicicletas, la firma francesa de lujo Hermès ha decidido entrar en este segmento de mercado, ideal para su clientela más exclusiva, creando su propia línea de bicis. El equipo de Hermès Horizons –que concibe habitualmente los lujosos interiores de coches y jets privados) acaba de imaginar dos modelos de bicicletas; “Le Flâneur d’Hermès” o “El Paseante” para la ciudad y “Le Flâneur sportif d’Hermès” –“”El Paseante deportivo” en versión más atlética.

Estos dos modelos estarán declinados en tres colores (carbón, rojo o blanco) con sillines y puños en piel, frenos hidráulicos y manillar muy ligero en fibra de carbono, todo fabricado por la empresa gala Time.

« Queremos trabajar con personas que tiene un profundo peritaje e intentamos que estén en Francia”, ha declarado el director del proyecto, François Doré al periódico WWD. “Nuestra idea era hacer una bicicleta de verdad y no un objeto decorativo. Tenía que ser simple, eficaz, de fácil utilización, agradable y elegante”, añadió.


Las bicis de lujo mueven el sector de la moda

Marc Jacobs ha trabajado recientemente con la empresa Panda Bicycle, especializada en manillares de bambú, sobre modelos hechos a mano en edición limitada vendidos por 5.000 dólares (3.700 euros) la unidad. El diseñador ha seguido los pasos de su ex pareja Lorenzo Martone que fundó su propia marca a principio de año -Martone Cycling- con bicicletas de ciudad coloradas y estilizadas por 899 dólares, lo que equivale a unos 663 euros.

De momento, las bicicletas más lujosas son las de Chanel en edición limitada con sillín y mochila acolchados, comercializada en el 2008 al precio de 17.000 dólares (unos 12.500 euros) Las bicicletas de Hermès serán vendidas en las tiendas de la firma a partir de noviembre. El modelo “Le Flâneur” costará 8.100 euros.



Gucci impresses peers with efforts to reduce packaging

Fashion label Gucci has received admiration from marketing professionals over its stance to cut down on excess packaging, according to a new survey

The survey of more than 200 branding and marketing professionals, revealed 47% of them considered that Gucci’s recent initiative to cut down on excess packaging was a genuine reflection of the industry and a sign of its future direction. While 26% felt it was not a true reflection and was a fad that would pass.

The survey was conducted by easyFairs, organisers of Packaging Innovations London 2012, which is hosting its own dedicated Luxury Packaging section at the event.

In addition, respondents were also openly asked to name a luxury brand they saw as the smartest when it came to packaging. Apple (15%) received the most mentions, followed by Gucci (11%).

Matt Benyon, managing director at easyFairs UK and Ireland, said: “Some branding professionals and marketers are sceptical about the ‘green’ trend within the luxury market.  I am convinced that environmentally-friendly packaging, whether through recyclable materials or lightweighting, within the luxury market is here to stay.

“It’s a major change for Gucci to reduce paper in packaging, a commitment to which Prada, Versace and Valentino have already signed up. Gucci has also changed its ribbon and garment bags from polyester to cotton.

“It shows the momentum of going ‘green’ over the last few months, as more consumers mirror celebrities who want to be associated with environmentally friendly brands.”



Astrobrights beautiful tea packaging

Astrobrights Packaging: An Exploration by BLOW

Hong Kong’s design studio, BLOW, has redefined packaging with astrobrights paper. The exploration was brought about with the possibility of using astrobrights paper for Polytrade (a paper distributor and printer in Hong Kong) and their results were stunning. They decided to move forward in designing a series of packages by using astrobrights paper for wine, chocolate, mooncake, tea and gift boxes. View them all below!

Chinese Tea Packaging

08 13 13 Astrobrights 2

08 13 13 Astrobrights 308 13 13 Astrobrights 408 13 13 Astrobrights 508 13 13 Astrobrights 608 13 13 Astrobrights 7


Moon Cake Packaging

08 13 13 Astrobrights 808 13 13 Astrobrights 9

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08 13 13 Astrobrights 1408 13 13 Astrobrights 15


Red Wine Packaging

08 13 13 Astrobrights 16

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Gift Box

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English Tea Packaging

08 13 13 Astrobrights 24

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Chocolate Packaging

08 13 13 Astrobrights 2808 13 13 Astrobrights 2908 13 13 Astrobrights 3008 13 13 Astrobrights 3108 13 13 Astrobrights 32

08 13 13 Astrobrights 33


Source: thedielineonline

Think Dirty app tells consumers what is in their beauty products

Think Dirty, 30 Days of Dirty, Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, Breast Cancer Fund, Breast Cancer Fund, Jeanne Rizzo, smartphone apps, smartphones, cellphones, eco-friendly beauty, sustainable beauty, toxic chemicals, eco-friendly cosmetics, sustainable cosmetics, eco-friendly personal-care products, sustainable personal-care products, organic beauty, organic skincare, eco-friendly skincare, sustainable skincare

Buying safe cosmetics has never been easier, with the help of your smartphone. The new Think Dirty app by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics takes the guess work out of buying safer health and beauty aids, turning the power of educated purchasing into your hands. The incredible app scans products right on the shelf, revealing how clean or dirty they are, giving consumers control to choose better products for themselves.

Although just in the beta phase, the Think Dirty app already includes 11,00 products from make up to soaps, shampoos and other health and body products. Users can scan a product in question, and immediately learn if it is “clean” or “dirty.” If deemed dirty, the app will offer similar and safe alternatives to buy instead. The app can also be used to raid your own bathroom closet and get rid of old products that could be unsafe.

The app also relies on the user to help become even better. If a product isn’t found on Think Dirty, users can send in an images of the front, the ingredient label and product and brand information, which will then be added to the growing database, helping others to buy even more safely.

To kick off the launch of the app, Think Dirty will celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and donate $1 to the Breast Cancer Fundfor every product scanned during the month of October!

Together, we can buy more safely, and eliminate toxic ingredients from our beauty routines.

Una de 50 launches line for men

The Spanish jewellery and accessories brand launches an extensive line for men this season.

After the surprise of a cosmopolitan collection designed in partnership with international top model Eugenia Silva launched at the end of August, Uno de 50 has now turned its attention to a male audience, with a growing line which it is promoting in a separate advertising campaign.

This season, the brand is stepping up its range of items made for men, with a wide variety of accessories. These very masculine designs sport witty names in a salute to jocular manly camaraderie, with necklaces like  “Cómete un rosco” (Score!) or “Al ataque” (Attack!),  bracelets like “Todos para Uno” (All for One) and “Atado y bien atado” (No loose ends) and watches like “Quedamos?” (Shall we make it a date?).

Created in 1996 as an alternative kind of jewellery in a unique and emphatic design, today Uno de 50 has more than 50 of its own shops in Spain, more than 20 in America, Europe and the Middle East, more than 4,000 points of sale in 25 markets and a multilingual online shop which delivers to 100 different countries. In 2013, the company expects to grow 60%, taking its export rate to 53%.

Source: Fashion from Spain